Your Voice. Your Blog.
We're not just collecting the voices of Columbia, we're publishing a blog full of them.
If you're ready to make your statement and share it with the community, send us your thoughts, beginning with one of the following prompts:
Columbia is ...
Columbia cannot ...
Columbia must ...
We have a few guidelines that you'll need to follow in order to get your blog post published:
Keep it classy, folks. We won't publish offensive language or content. Criticism and debate are welcomed and expected, but this is not a platform for personal attacks. We'll keep this forum as open as we can to all points of view, but trolls aren't welcome here.
Let's look forward as much as possible. This is a project that will inform where we go from here. The past is relevant, but let's use what we've learned to build a future.
Posts should not be more than two thousand words. We won't decline to post because you're at a word count of 2,073, but please do your best to stick to the limit.
Images are awesome. If you have a picture that reflects what you're saying, it makes your post better (but see guideline 1).
Submission doesn't guarantee publication. If we choose not to publish, we'll do our best to tell you why, and where possible, help you understand what can be done to overcome the issue.
Add your name. We'll publish statements and opinions by those that are prepared to stand behind them. If you feel compelled to submit your thoughts anonymously, we'll still include your input in our analysis.
So go get writing, and take a look at what's already been published at our blog page.
When you're ready to submit, use the form below, or send your blog post to us at